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March 2nd, 2020

Good morning to the world!

But this morning, there are worries on the mind of this channel.

She worries of issues that are, at this point, out of her control. Actually, we would like to state here a reminder that you, as humans, are never in control. The ego of the mind like to believe that it is in some kind of control of the world and its experience, but it is mistaken. The only thing the ego is in control of is its reaction to life's unfoldings. You can manifest things, yes, but even the manifesters will soon find that there are many things so much more magical than manifestation. There are entire universes beyond what the ego can manifest, and there are greater plans; far greater! If you make peace with the lack of control and ride the wave that the universe has in store, you will find much more expansive opportunities awaiting you.

There are things in your lives as humans that seem to be "problems" or "hurdles" that you must overcome. But here we would ask you to look back on your lives thus far. Were the happy times the times that taught you the most? Or were the "hard" times that times that taught you the most? The hard times are simply there as your teachers (the hard people too) and they provide as a sweetener for the happy times; they allow the happy times to be just that much better because you have experienced sorrow or anger or jealousy, etc. But maybe you already recognize this.

In this case, we would offer that often times the hard times come because of a situation in which you ignored your soul's longing or desires. Your soul will always lead you down the highest path for self, but sometimes that path doesn't make sense to the ego. Sometimes (often times) the ego thinks it can outsmart the soul. This isn't true, because the ego has no connection to the highest knowledge of the universe, but in humans many times the ego wins because you are still in the process of reconnecting to your souls and allowing them to lead.

So once you've made an ego-based decision rather than a soul-based decision, there will be some hard times ahead. This channel is now experiencing some of the repercussions of an ego-based decision, rather than listening to a soul's nudging.

So we're here to tell her, and through her you, that all is still well. In this great river of your lives at humans, there can be no wrong turn. There is no dam too great for your waters. if a great stone comes in your path, you will simply go around it and continue. This may take time and hard work, but it is always possible to move past any problem you face in your lives. Always. If there is a problem you haven't moved past it is because you're still holding on to the ego there. When you truly and fully let go and surrender, you can get around any problem. Your life is never "ruined" or "over" because your river will always be redirected to a new place, or on a different path to the same place. And all these paths are good and there are lessons on all of them. You can learn the same lessons in many different ways, and you have already chosen which lessons you're going to learn in this human experience, so no matter where your river goes, you will learn these lessons in either this way or that way. And no way is better than another way. If you think one way is better, that is, again, your ego talking. Nothing in the soul is better or worse, it just is. The ego likes to rank things and give them numeric values (this is why time is such a big deal to humans.) The soul doesn't care about time, because time is infinite! Only the ego cares about time and money and rankings.

So, we are telling this channel this morning that no matter what happens in her "problem" all will be well. All will be exactly as it should be, and she will learn lessons from this experience (she already has). The lessons are the parts that matter from the experience, not the details. She would've learned these lessons in another way if not in this way, so this way is just as good as any other way to learn them. If this door "closes" or if this rock does fall in her river, it will simply urge her down another hallway or redirect her river another direction, and she can trust that this new direction will be better than what was in store for her behind the old door. So long as she surrenders, all will be well. (This message is for you as well.)

And as a finally statement, always be honest.

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