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March 12, 2020

on the Coronavirus...

This virus is here to show us equality, borderlessness, compassion, love, teamwork, healing.

Equality is something that something like this virus can easily and openly demonstrate, as it does not care who it is effecting. This virus will effect old and young, sick and healthy, rich and poor, big and small, black and white. It will not effect everyone in the same way, because you're all different humans with different experiences, and it isn't mean to wipe out everyone. Remember your soul contracts and trust them. You already agreed long ago that someday you would give up this humanity and return to the source of love, and so do not be so attached to the how. If you are to be taken by this virus, you most certainly agreed to this on a soul level long ago. When you are scared, remember that thought. If that thought is upsetting you, ask yourself where the root of the fear is coming from, and then continue to dig up that root of fear. Keep asking yourself "what am I afraid of?" and then ask yourself "how can I release this fear?"

Borders are a subject that the humans currently think they can use to stop the spread of this virus, but they're wrong. This virus will show them that indeed. There are no such thing as borders to separate love. We have seen that and will continue to see it. All humanity is is manifested love! When you all return to your true essence; your core, you will connect to that knowledge that lines in the sand and on paper really mean nothing. The more you release egoic identity, the easier this subject will become. It no longer matters to be from this country or that, (it never has,) but you are evolving beyond that, and this virus is here to help you see that. It is here to help to see that closed doors and lock-down isn't the way to turn and that fear doesn't serve you, but love does. How can you act in love through this situation? Do you need to hoard supplies? No. Why should one take more than his fair share? There is no need to live in this place of lack when the entire consciousness of love is waiting for you to realize it!

Compassion. This world we're using a lot right now with this channel. Having compassion for those fear-based choices in ourselves and in others. The channel is now thinking mostly of herself, but some do struggle to have compassion for others as well. In this time, no one has experienced these real sensations before. You are all learning in the doing and there will be many mistakes made. Just remember that in the end all find peace one way or another. Have compassion and greet each other with a hug rather than a slap. For in the end what will survive is love.

Teamwork is similar to compassion, but is encouraged farther. Work together to find solutions for this situation. The greatest inventions come from setting limitations, so use these limitations set for yourselves and create something(s) beautiful! How can you work together to sustain jobs? How can you help those in quarantine without becoming sick? How can you still take care of your mind, body and spirit? These are all hugely important questions. Use each other and problem-solve rather than going into panic. Panic only breeds more virus.

In the end, all will heal. Hold each other in healing light. Hold the world in healing light. Envision what the world will be after this; what the world will have learned! If you can't think of anything, then maybe that's why its not over. Envision the growth and prosperity of all involved.

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April 8th, 2020

the pandemic is a global crisis, and its also a global gift. go inside yourself and ask yourself which it is for you. ask yourself what the next step for yourself is. there is no other way to reach gr

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